So this past weekend my best friend slash soul sister, Rachel, came up to visit me! It was a blast, even though I was sick haha Friday we mostly just hung around the house and watched movies since I was still getting over my sickness. We watched The Last Song while finishing homework, then went and rented You Again and Life As We Know it. We ate Rumbi and watched movies then did our nails :)

Saturday we went shopping and came home and watched a movie as a little break then went to the Utah State Basketball game. It was so fun!! We sat by some of my friends and had the time of our lives cheering! I absolutely
LOVE basketball games! Rachel got hit on by some man ha he passed her a scroll...yes a scroll! never would have seen that one coming right?! well the scroll part not the part where Rachel got hit on, I bet that happens all the time :) After singing the fight song and the Scotsman a few
THOUSAND more times we decided to go. We went back to my place and ate then decided to go hot tubing. One hot tub at my place which means getting people to let us into theirs :) Well we parked and went around back to the hot tub and there were too many people and we didn't want to be there with that many so we get in my car and go to pull out and what happens?! oh yeah we are stuck!! One its freezing outside, two there is tons of snow on the ground and three I was not dressed for the occasion... sweatpants, flats, a sweater with only a swim suit underneath, trying to push out a car by myself! Luckily some nice guy heard us struggling and came out to help :) We then decided to go to McDonald's because I was finally hungry! So we ate and talked and eventually fell asleep in a very uncomfortable manner on my teeny tiny bed.
Sunday was great! We went to church, did some homework(I know, I know no homework on Sunday, I just got too distracted this weekend!) then made brownies for a brownie bake off. We went to Ward Prayer and ate too many brownies then went and played games. And of course Rachel got some more lovin haha the boys were serenading her and making up songs about her it was HILARIOUS! I wish I would have recorded it haha after our wonderful music filled evening we went back home and looked at wedding things with Brooklin and Shaunzi. We got super tired and decided it was time for bed.
Monday we went to one of my classes then it was time to head out and take her back to Brigham to meet her ride. I am happy to say I had a FANTASTIC weekend with my sis, filled with laughing, pictures, too much food, too many movies, late nights, and lots of music. Thanks for a great weekend sis!! Love you to death! <3