Tuesday, December 7, 2010


So right now I am looking at the past few days and I swear I have felt every emotion in the book:
Happiness, sadness, confusion, frustration, love, hope, pain, peaceful, 
tender, vulnerable, powerless, upset, crushed, offended, restless 
and the list goes on.
How is it that in a few short days I can feel all of this, I have no idea. But as I took a step back today, I realized that this makes me beautiful, and full of life. How could one go through life not feeling anything? It's almost the end of the semester and I just need to press on. I can't focus on the things I don't have control over, as much as that bugs me, I just can't do that to myself anymore. I need to work hard on the things I do have control over and just endure til the end. I am working on making the best out of every situation. I realize this will be hard, but I also realize that I can do it. I have decided I am going to try some of the things I have always wanted to do. I am going to work on myself so I can become the person I want to be. I am going to give more service. I am going to enjoy life. I feel like everyone knows what they want to do, they all have plans and I don't. I try to look in the future and honestly I can't see past this coming semester. I don't know what I want to do in the summer, I don't know what life will bring me. I decided instead of stressing over this, I am going to be excited. I am going to look forward to the unknown. I mean that does make life more adventurous right?! I decided I am not going to be afraid anymore. I am going to say what I think and not be afraid that it might be the wrong time. I am going to be fearless. I am not going to worry about what other people think. I am not going to fear what the future holds. I am going to take chances. I will be BOLD. I will express my feelings without being scared that its the wrong thing to say, or scared that they wont feel the same. I will be confident. I will get the job of my dreams someday. I will travel. I will become the person that anyone can turn to. I will jump and not be afraid of falling.
I will be me.

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