Tuesday, April 2, 2013


 Hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend! We got to watch our nieces do a few different egg hunts and play some games. First we did a glow in the dark egg hunt in the church and then the girls played an easter game Mimi made up.

We played around until lunch was ready. The girls loved having Dal push them in the car.  

        ^^^ obviously Hallie did not want her picture taken :)

The girls did the Bunny Hop and danced around for a little bit, and then we dyed eggs!

the girls love to tease Papa

We ended with an egg hunt outside but sadly some eggs had gone missing and chocolate melted inside the eggs...oops!  I guess we learned our lesson! Sunday we just relaxed and went for a walk...I hope we get to keep this weather!


  1. looks like you had a fun easter! cute pictures!

  2. Beautiful bunnies x

