Wednesday, April 10, 2013

What I have been up to...

A group of people from my major  and I have been putting together a Golf Tournament to raise funds for a scholarship. It is called the PEHR Scholarship (PEHR standing for Physical Education, Health and Recreation). It has been a TON of work but I think it will pay off. We are getting some really cool businesses to sponsor. Check us out!! Our website is

We are still looking for sponsors and some cool prizes to auction or raffle off, so if you know any businesses or anyone that would like to participate send 'em to our site! Or you can contact me :)

Side note of advice:
When it is your last (yeah you heard me right! LAST) semester of college do yourself a favor and don't take 18 credits. I thought senioritis was bad in high school...yeah nothing compared to this! Hope you all have a wonderful week!!

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