Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Our little house

This is our cute little house ----------------->
and a few decorations that I have hung up.
You can't really see how I hung up the pictures but you can take my word for it...its cute :) don't pay attention to how I look though, it was a long weekend.

This is from a few weekends ago. We were lucky enough to see most of both of our families and go skiing at the Beav :) it was so much fun!! Right now this is the only pic I have from that weekend, there will be more you will just have to wait :)

On a different note, I found out today that I am allergic to the Library. I can only be in there so long before I feel like I am going to DIE haha but seriously.  ♥ ☮

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


For our honeymoon Dal surprised me by taking me to Hawaii!!! It was BEAUTIFUL and so much FUN. I didn't know until we were about to get on the plane then he finally spilled his guts and told me we were actually going to Hawaii!! I was not disappointed at all, I was super excited!! We did just about everything you could do and it was a blast (including relaxing on the beach) We don't look great in these pics so give us a break,  vacation + beach = not getting ready

Hawaii Temple :)

Dal lookin' cool driving our Mustang

one place we went snorkling

we went to the Dole plantation
drinking coconut milk
I LOVED the snow cones so much he took me back :)
Pearl Harbor
we hiked up to this waterfall

our sad faces because we don't want to leave Hawaii


Friday night Dal and I decided to make a delicious dinner. We made Chicken Fried Chicken and it turned out pretty good...well besides the gravy haha We put in a TON of salt and pepper and then it tasted alright. You should definitely try it, it's a pretty easy recipe!

Also Dal decided to take the weekend off from school which made things 10x better. We mostly just hung around the house and watched movies, the dunk contest and the NBA All-Star game. It was really fun and nice to have some time together :)

We also helped a friend out with a video she had to make for class. She is really talented so here it is:

Here is a picture from the last post of the little package we made Brooke. Also here are the tags I made that I thought turned out super cute! If you download them and then get on, you can change them to say whatever you want!


Thursday, February 23, 2012

My Missionary's Birthday!

Yes I know by the title you are thinking but Audri you are married....I am and I love my husband to death so no worries my missionary is a girl and just so happens to be one of my VERY VERY best friends :) Her name is Brooke Laursen, she is on her mission in Uruguay and her birthday is in 3 days :) On Tuesday Sage and Angie came over to my house and we made a cute little package to send her ( I will have to post those pics later) and I can't wait to send it to her! She will be home December 13 and I CAN'T wait! Anyways just a few pics of some good times :)

Hope everyone is having a great short week! ps I aced my math test ♥ ☮

Thursday, February 16, 2012

bOrEd At WoRk

So today at work I rediscovered a site that you can Photoshop pictures for free! Its so neat, I absolutely love it! Here are a few I did:

I also found a blog that has kept me entertained...if you grew up in the 90s you will enjoy it too :) Chilren of the 90s
I also found a blog of 100 ways to make your marriage rock! It has some really really good tips on there. If you have time read this, its TOTALLY worth the 10 minutes or so it takes. Maybe it only took me 10 minutes because I get side tracked....
Have a great weekend everyone!! I know I will (once I ace my math test!) ♥ ☮

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Few Things I Love

So this year my Mom and I did the 14 Days of Valentines and it was SO much fun! I would definitely suggest trying it one year. We didn't do the same things so it was fun to talk about it and come up with ideas together! Not gonna lie most of mine were cheesy put oh well! At first Dallin was like, uh its not Valentines Day yet...but after awhile he was kinda excited to get his Valentine every day.  I know my brothers and Dad all really enjoyed it too :)

Ok Here is one blog I absolutely LOVE you should definitely check it out! This family is super cute and I wish I had this girls hair! ha Rockstar Diaries

Also a few of my favorite songs as of late...
Been A Long Day
My Moon, My Man
and also anything By Temper Trap <3 ( especially Sweet Disposition )

I just finished a book and I think if you have the chance you should read it. It's called Wake Up To A Happier Life by Amanda Dickson, seriously a great book!

I am SO excited for this weekend!! We have a family reunion to go to and I LOVE family reunions! yay! We also get to see Dallin's family :) I just have to get through this week...Wish me luck!!

Thursday, February 9, 2012


So lately I have this DESIRE to change my hair in one way or another (besides cutting it) I kinda want to do a melt (not sure if I can pull it off...feel free to comment on your thoughts about this) like this:

<- want that sweater

I REALLY want hair extensions :)  Just to make my hair an inch or two longer...but we will see about that haha

I also really want a pair of boots like these:

I NEED to see the Vow that comes out next week ...go HERE to view my post about that. I am really excited for the new Bourne to come trailer HERE. I just LOVE all the Bourne movies!!!

This weekend I have a few goals...besides studying...I want to sew a skirt, shop at target, and finish hanging the pictures in our house :) I might get one of those done...well hopefully

PS I just need to brag a little because one simple call to my husband made my day SO much brighter today and I absolutely LOVE that I can count on him for that! 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Ok I know you all are probably bugged that I keep updating with wedding stuff but this should be my last until I have my bridals :) I know a few friends just wanted to get an idea of how my reception was set up so I thought I would post about it!

I owe I HUGE thanks to my Mom and Dad who made it all possible :) My mom was the one who helped me come up with ideas, she was there to decorate all day, and she is the reason my reception was everything I dreamed! Don't get me wrong, my Dad helped out a ton too. He was there to decorate, he helped us get a rental car, he went shopping with me and my mom, he even came up with a few ideas himself! Without them none of this would have been possible. Sorry the pictures are all weird...I couldn't get them how I wanted so I decided to just give up! ha

Guest Book

Where we stood

Hot chocolate bar, doughnut holes, dessert bread and cookies :)

leading up to the front door

center pieces

Our Two Wedding  Planner/Decorators

To view more pictures you can go here